Mid-Pesach Un-Seder: From the Haggadah into Action (1)
Fri, 31 May
|Hashomer House - we will email attendees
A creative community ritual exploring themes of liberation and justice, and inspiring us to work towards a more just world.

Time & Location
31 May 2019, 18:30 – 22:30
Hashomer House - we will email attendees
About The Event
Half way through Pesach, we can create for ourselves an opportunity to take what we've learned in the Seder from ritual into life. During this seder-inspired, ordered yet exploratory evening we will explore how our community can act, through building relationships with others, to bring a more just world.
Like the four childern, we'll have four questions to explore:
- What is your own or your family's story of liberation/migration?
- In what ways does the historical oppression of Jewish people impact on you/our community today?
- How have we been able to heal?
- How can standing in solidarity with others arise from our stories and strengthen our communities?
Join the conversation - and a light Kosher for Pesach supper will be provided too. Please register to ensure your place.
More details to follow, but please contact sarahnerva@gmail.com if you are interested in joining us, or being part of the organising team.