Pets Shabbat - 8th August
Sat, 08 Aug
A celebration of our animal friends, led by Rothscar the Dog and his human, Richard Rothschild Pearson

Time & Location
08 Aug 2020, 10:30 – 12:00
About The Event
They are our best friends, our loyal companions and the very best of 'creation' - but so often we leave them at home when we're off to shul or we keep them separate from our Jewish rituals. Well in this service we're flinging open the divine doggy door, getting out that heavenly hamster ball and welcoming all creatures great and small!
Whilst we'll be doing a normal service we want to encourage our beloved pets to get involved so please bring along a special food treat for them which we'll incorporate into a blessing. Our Torah portion will explore why we always feed our animals before ourselves and we'll even have a moment of remembrance for pets of days gone by who are sadly no longer with us but will always be part of who we are.
Woofing, meowing, oinking, quacking and squeaks of all pitches welcome so please bring along your pets for our community to celebrate.
Led by Rothscar (the dog) and his human, Richard"