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Deep Shabbat: A 24-Hour Unwind

By Rachel Singer

For years I have been thinking about how to deepen my Shabbat observance. I love the feeling of stepping out of the real world for a day a week, resting from work, reconnecting with my family, myself and - dare I say it - with G-d. So for the past several years now, I have stopped working on Shabbat and stopped using email or social media, and it’s been bliss.

But I’ve always felt that a slightly deeper observance would add extra meaning to this special day, and not known where to start. Intimidated by the level of commitment shown by my more religious friends - and devoted to Saturday Arsenal matches and travelling across London to catch up with dear friends or family - I haven’t known how to meaningfully but manageably extend my observance. I’m not ready to renounce all electricity every week. I’m not ready to have 24 hours without my phone or computer. I’m not ready to stop using the Tube. However, I’m ready for something more. In an exciting conversation with Daniel Mackintosh and my hubby, Richard, we came up with what seemed like a feasible idea: once a month, no phones, no money, and ideally no travelling by car. A chance to spend time together, go to shul (where possible), walk more, play games, eat cold food, connect with the Makor Hayim community, and much more.

We're calling this experiment Deep Shabbat. We’d love for you to join us if this sounds fun/interesting/meaningful to you! The first Deep Shabbat weekend will be 21st-22nd February.

On Friday, we'll go to Kabbalat Shabbat services and have a meal together afterwards. On Saturday, we plan to go to shul together (walking from Willesden Green) and then walk back to our house after kiddush to play some games, relax and embrace the spirit of Shabbat.

Anyone from the community is very much invited to join us until Havdallah (around 6.15pm).

If you’re interested, please RSVP for the event and we'll send you more details nearer to the time.

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Makor Hayim

Location - Willesden Green and the surrounding North West Jubilee line area

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